Find the best bags to bring to work

We all do it, overload our bags with a lot of stuff that we need (and, let´s be honest, don´t need) when we have a busy week at work.

Cala Jade's work bags feature thoughtfully organized compartments to keep your essentials in order, and we have a variety in sizes. From laptops to documents, each item finds its designated space within the bag, allowing for easy access and efficient organization.

The three best sellers, and team favourites for work, are MISU L, IWA and MASAGO. They all fit up to a 16 inch laptop, in addition to all the other things you need. They return each season in a new color, as well as the core items that we bring with us all year around.

CHIA and ISAI are bigger shoppers, but also great options for work! They are roomy, and perfect if you need to bring something extra that day.

IWA Mini and MISU for everyday use will not fit a laptop, but she is bigger then the name suggests, and is highly loved by all those who have chosen this as their everyday bag.

Cala Jade MISU Large handbag on model